Project Vision
“A valley of lush, lofty lowland broadleaf forest sustaining abundant and healthy native biodiversity and attracting enthusiastic visitors to the main entrance of the Remutaka Forest Park.”
Project Documentation
These documents are provided as a reference resource for participants and volunteers supporting the RCT Catchpool Restoration Project.
- Catchpool Restoration Plan Revision - 2018
- Current Restoration Zones Map (2018)
- Revised Plant List (2018)
- Catchpool Restoration Project - Update 2012
- Suggested Planting Programme - Sept 09
- Catchpool Restoration Plan CCF-051
- Volunteer Agreements & Safety Info
- Restoration Map of Catchpool Valley (Original)
- Wilding Pines Control - Catchpool Valley, 2020

Some of the team from ANZ National Bank heading up the slopes to plant their trees above the Catchpool Car Park. Photo credit: PC

(Above) Families planting native trees during a Belmont Scouts Volunteer Day, Catchpool Valley, Remutaka Forest Park. Photos credit: PC.

The lads from EFTPOS NZ Ltd planted more than 260 trees on their volunteer planting day in the Park during September. (Click for a larger image).

Melissa Middleton & colleague proudly show off their designer gumboots during their community volunteer day's planting efforts. Photos credit: PC.